Bath bombs are generally safe to use during pregnancy, but they may cause irritation or mild infections.
A luxurious soak with a fizzing bath bomb may sound like just the ticket after a long day of being pregnant. During pregnancy, bath bombs won’t affect your baby, but you may notice skin irritation 1 and even yeast infections after you use them.
Pregnancy causes skin changes 2 and can make already-existing skin problems a little worse for a while. Bath bomb ingredients 3 like citric acid, baking soda and Epsom salts can flare up these skin issues even more. When pregnant, you’re also at a higher risk for yeast infection 4 , and the soaps and oils in bath bombs could contribute to getting one. Not everyone experiences these symptoms, though, so check with your healthcare provider and, if they give the okay, try it out.
Keep in mind before a nice warm bath that your baby doesn’t like it too hot. As long as your core body temperature stays below 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit 5 , you can relax and enjoy.