Lysine supplementation is generally found to be unnecessary during pregnancy. It’s not definitively harmful, but because there isn’t a ton of research to back up its use during pregnancy, it’s likely not something you need to worry about adding to your supplement routine.
Lysine is one of the nine essential amino acids that are needed to make protein in our bodies in order to ensure they are functioning as they should. Lysine is generally found in protein-based foods like poultry, meat, seafood, eggs, cheese, and tofu, but it can also be acquired through supplements.
There are a few suggested benefits of supplementing with lysine, one of which involves its role in collagen formation, which supports joint health and wound healing. Studies also suggest that your body’s need for lysine increases throughout pregnancy, which has left some wondering whether or not you should include it in your supplement regimen. The answer for now is no—a food-first approach is best when it comes to this one.