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Guided Pregnancy Meditation: Rainbow Baby Gratitude

 Anisha Amat Profile Photo
Instructor Anisha Amat | Updated on Aug 9, 2023

Trigger Warning: Miscarriage Reflections

In this guided meditation, we will honor the journey of pregnancy following a miscarriage. We understand that the emotions from a miscarriage can be complex and can stay with us even as we embark on a new pregnancy.

This meditation is all about allowing yourself to feel and show gratitude for the pregnancy you're carrying while remembering and honoring a past pregnancy and miscarriage. Acknowledge the pain and sadness you may feel, but also remember the love and hope that came with that experience. Allow yourself to fully embrace the present moment and the miracle of life that you are carrying. As you experience this meditation, know that this experience has shaped you, but it does not define you.

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Guided Pregnancy Meditation: Rainbow Baby Gratitude

 Anisha Amat Profile Photo
Instructor Anisha Amat | Updated on Aug 9, 2023

Trigger Warning: Miscarriage Reflections

In this guided meditation, we will honor the journey of pregnancy following a miscarriage. We understand that the emotions from a miscarriage can be complex and can stay with us even as we embark on a new pregnancy.

This meditation is all about allowing yourself to feel and show gratitude for the pregnancy you're carrying while remembering and honoring a past pregnancy and miscarriage. Acknowledge the pain and sadness you may feel, but also remember the love and hope that came with that experience. Allow yourself to fully embrace the present moment and the miracle of life that you are carrying. As you experience this meditation, know that this experience has shaped you, but it does not define you.

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