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Guided Postpartum Meditation: Trusting Yourself

 Christine Cullingworth Profile Photo
Instructor Christine Cullingworth | Updated on Aug 9, 2023

Welcome to this guided meditation on trusting yourself in your motherhood journey. As a mother, it's natural to question whether you're doing everything right for your child. But know that you are the best mother for your child, and your journey is unique. Know that you are a loving and capable mother. Give yourself grace and continue to cultivate trust in yourself as you navigate motherhood.

No matter the stage of motherhood you are in, you are already taking steps to decrease stress and increase happiness by being here. Giving yourself space to find trust and confidence is a very important part of the entire journey.

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Guided Postpartum Meditation: Trusting Yourself

 Christine Cullingworth Profile Photo
Instructor Christine Cullingworth | Updated on Aug 9, 2023

Welcome to this guided meditation on trusting yourself in your motherhood journey. As a mother, it's natural to question whether you're doing everything right for your child. But know that you are the best mother for your child, and your journey is unique. Know that you are a loving and capable mother. Give yourself grace and continue to cultivate trust in yourself as you navigate motherhood.

No matter the stage of motherhood you are in, you are already taking steps to decrease stress and increase happiness by being here. Giving yourself space to find trust and confidence is a very important part of the entire journey.

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